lama dh x update blog..nasib baik spider xde buat sarang dlm ni ek hehehe
pagi td around 10.45am..aku p ler kt CIMB bank konon nk byr payment ape yg patut
so dh settle ape yg perlu...aku ingat nk update Buku ASB ngan Buku Cimb sekali tp yg adooo
rmi sekali umat dlm mls ler nk Q...
tp hati xnk gak balik..teringin gak nak tau nape rmi sgt umat kt dlm bank ktu arini...
rupanyer ada free Medical checkup CIMB Bank...
so ape lg kan...ambik lah peluang yg ada hehehe
nasib baikk ler masa aku Q x rmi cepat jerlah smpi ke puncak hehehe(mcm AF plak dah)
so nk tau keputusan nyer tgk lah result kt bawah ni yer hahahaha

dh nampak ape yg perlu...keputusan nyer aku dh nak masuk dlm group OBES...nangessss
gigih diet ni tp x menjadi kannn..berat maintain gak ...
and alhamdulillah other organs still in good and healthy..
actually medical checkup-up ni organized by National Kidney Foundation (NKF)as u guys can see on the top of the form...
so to korang2 kt luar tu rerajin ler buat medical check-up x kira free or bebyr.its for ur own benefits kan
and reminder gak for those yg dah over thirties like me(hehehehe) take good care of ur hearts and do execerise regularly(mcm lah aku rajin hahaha..padahal tdo jer keje hehehe)
oklah guys till we meets again...daaa and take care...lots of loff...
obes ngan obses lain ek.. ngee.. apapon.. jaga kesihatan utk terus hidup beramal utk akhirat.. berbakti utk keluarga, agama dan negara.. gitu
ReplyDeletebtol btol btol tu Shin ..jg lah kesihatan kita kan
ReplyDeleteberat dah memang mcm tu~~~ dah mencapai tahap ideal katanyaa~~ahaksss
ReplyDeletehahaha byk lah ideal ko...x nmpk aunty tu buat pengiraan kt sebelah berat tu...berat skrg tolak berat ideal...jwpanyer 11kg nk kene mane tu...?x mampu rasanyer hahahaha